TradeWindow’s ticker code is TWL.

TradeWindow’s NZX announcements are available here.

An electronic copy of the annual report is available here.

An electronic copy of the profile document is available here.

TradeWindow shareholders can go to Computershare to change or update details.

Computershare Investor Services Limited

Private bag 92119

Auckland 1142

New Zealand

Phone: +64 9 488 8777

Direct message:


The payment of a dividend is at the discretion of the board and will be a function of a number of factors, including the general business environment, operating results, investment opportunities and financial condition of the Company.

While it is the aim of the Company that, in the longer term, its financial performance and position will enable the payment of dividends, the Company does not intend, or expect, to declare or pay any dividends in the immediately foreseeable future, given TradeWindow’s focus on long term growth.